PhD Haim Shapira

ד"ר חיים שפירא - הרצאות

Haim Shapira holds two PhD’s (Theoretical Mathematics and Science Education) , is one of Israel’s most popular and in-demand lecturers, an author of seven best-selling books, a pianist and an avid collector of anything beautiful. He teaches mathematics, psychology, philosophy and literature. His book “Gladiators, Pirates and Games of Trust” was named one of the best Game Theory books of all time by BookAuthority.


The Unscrupulous Diner’s Dilemma will help us to find out what Game Theory is all about and why it is important, after that we’ll encounter with the moral and strategic aspects of the famous Prisoner’s Dilemma and their relation to Covid-19, participate (smartphones) in the mathematical version of “The Beauty Contest” game invented by John Maynard Keynes, talk a bit about Game Theory applications and find out what is so tragic in The Tragedy of The Commons.

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PhD Haim Shapira
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PhD Haim Shapira
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