Dr Yossi Beilin

Dr Yossi Beilin - Israely Speaker Center
Hebrew, English

Dr. Yossi Beilin began his lengthy career of public service in 1984 with his appointment as Cabinet Secretary. A member of Knesset for more than thirteen years, Dr. Beilin held various ministerial positions including: Deputy Foreign Minister, Deputy Finance Minister, Minister of Economy and Planning, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, Minister for Religious Affairs, and Minister of Justice.

Yossi Beilin is a leading proponent of the peace process and serves as the Chairman of the “Geneva Initiative”. He participated in the back-channel negotiations that eventually led to the adoption of the Oslo Accords.

Before entering politics, Beilin worked as a journalist, and taught political science at Tel Aviv University where he earned his doctorate. He is the author of several books and he was an innovator of the “Birthright” program, which has brought over the years tens of thousands of Jews to Israel.

Dr. Beilin is the Founder and President of Beilink -Business Foreign Affairs, a Global consulting firm established in 2008.


A description of the process which led to the secret talks in Norway; why were Prime Minister Rabin and Foreign Minister Peres informed by Deputy Minister Beilin about the Oslo channel only after the first two rounds?

Why didn’t “Oslo” bear the fruit of a permanent peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians?

What would have been done differently, had it been possible to get back to the beginning of the process

We are always happy to answer questions
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Dr Yossi Beilin
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Dr Yossi Beilin
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